The Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ) published the monthly retail OTC binary options report for June, 2016.

The total volume of OTC binary option trading in June reached 41 billion JPY, increased by 34.9% from the previous month but decreased by 6.9% from the same month last year.

The number of existing accounts at the end of the month was 346,292, of which 12,676 were active accounts. The existing accounts and the active accounts slightly incrased by 0.5% and 6.7% month-over-month.

As forex trading volume of GBP currency pairs jumped in June due to Brexit, GBP/JPY binary trading significantly grew by 156% from May, followed by EUR/JPY with 87% MoM growth. USD/JPY pair was still the most traded currency pair with 14 billion JPY of trading volume, however its share declined to 34.8% from 49.4% in May. USD/JPY usually maintains its share at around 50% level. In June, only USD/JPY pair among top 5 pairs showed the decrease for the trading volume with -4.9% MoM.

You can find Profit and Loss ratio about retail customers transaction at binary option operators at the bottom of this article.

FFAJ OTC Binary Option Trading Volume

Trading Volume Share by Currency Pairs

Profit and Loss about Customer Transaction by broker

June-16 May-16
Broker Financial Instrument Profit & Loss Ratio(*1):% Loss Customers Ratio(*2):% Profit & Loss Ratio(*1):% Loss Customers Ratio(*2):%
GMO Click Securities BO 97.1 77.7 92.2 82.1
Traders Securities Total 92.1 79.1 90.6 80.1
BO 91.8 80.2 90.3 80.4
Range BO 99.7 47.3 96.6 68.7
IG Securities Total 95.7 64.9 96.4 70.0
BO 95.3 66.2 96.0 70.9
Touch BO 111.8 57.1 113.8 69.0
FX PRIME by GMO BO 97.2 70.1 96.2 73.0
YJFX Total 93.7 83.2 96.1 82.2
BO 92.4 82.5 93.4 81.7
Range BO 100.5 70.6 105.1 66.3
Hirose FX BO 92.8 75.9 92.4 75.4
FX Trade Financial Total 97.4 75.4 97.3 74.7
BO 97.6 75.0 97.2 74.4
Range BO 98.2 66.9 106.0 56.0
Touch BO 92.9 71.9 84.3 69.9

*1: the percentage of profit-loss about customer transactions= (The amount of the option premium paid by binary options brokers toward customers + the payout amount) / (the amount of the option premium received from customers)x100(%)

*2: the percentage of customers who hold the loss of binary options= (the number of customers whose total amount of profit-and loss about binary options comes to be minus) / (the number of customers trading during the period) x 100(%)

(Source: The Financial Futures Association of Japan )

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