The Commodity Futures Association of Japan disclosed the monthly OTC CFD trading overview for June, 2016. The data is based on reports from member companies of the association.

In June, the total number of funded accounts was 5618, decreased by 4.57% from May. The customer margin balance at the end of the month totaled 5072 million JPY, slightly increased by 2.17%.

The total number of contract was 17,871,303 which consisted of 7,491,089 of energy, 8,966,194 of Precious metals and 1,414,020 of Agrocultual products. For the trading value, the total figure decreased by 11.6% to 455,400 million JPY. This decline was brought by Energy trading which only showed the MoM decrease (-25.8%) among the 3 categories. Both Precious metal and Agrocultual Products increased by 28.7% and 12% from the previous month.

The open interests at the end of the month totaled 17,628 million JPY, decreased from 19,278 million JPY at the end of May.

(Source: The Commodity Futures Association of Japan )

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